Saving ⮚ Blog 13
Money is a big issue when it comes to traveling. Most people don’t travel because they don’t have the money. Yet, here is a high school senior whose been to 34/50 states, Boston MA 2x, India and soon to be Ukraine. Three of these trips I pay in full by myself with little to no fundraising. One of the reasons is my job. I have a well-paying and flexible job that allows me to get an education and travel, whether I travel with family, or strangers that later become friends. A job brings in money, which I can put aside and save, but it helps to know what you’re saving for. When you know what you’re saving for, you know how much it’ll cost you, which then allows you to set a plan. Back in 2019, when I went to India on a humanitarian trip for two weeks, I also had the opportunity to fly back to Boston again for a week for my sister and cousin. These two trips probably cost me about 5k total, but it was totally worth it. That might not seem like a ...