
    Hi ya! I've been wanting to do a blog for a while now, but never found the time to make it work until now. A little bit about me, I am a high school senior, roundtripped to 37/50 US states (yes by car) with my family, I spent two-weeks in India I'll explain more about the trip and organization at a later time, I plan on spending a semester abroad in Ukraine with a different organization I expand on this a little more and why I decided to spend time there. I am a HUGE Disney fan! You name it, and I have probably seen it and/or listened to the sound track for it. I love movie watching, listening to music, going for drives with the windows down and music blasting throw the stereos. 

    For those of you out there, who want to know the weird facts here you go! Toothbrush color is purple, I'm left handed, I love drinking pickle juice, my breakfast in Elementary school consisted of mayonnaise on a slice of toast. Yes, you heard that right, mayo and toast for breakfast. I pick sweet over salty. I am a frosting lover! Give me a spoon and a container of frosting, expect it to be gone in the next couple days. 

    Feel free to drop you questions and comments down below. I'll see you all again soon! 





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